This year we celebrate the fifth anniversary of me becoming a mom. In other words, we celebrate this beauty.
Five years old. No longer a baby, no longer a toddler. She is a full on grown kid. I just can't even believe how quickly it has gone by. I can't believe how big she is. My Maggie Claire is just the best.
This year it seems like I've gotten a special reminder of what we experienced five years ago, due to the arrival of Josie. It has been really neat to read my timehop posts that related to Maggie's impending arrival which coordinated so closely with what I was experiencing with Josie.
Maggie was a sweet baby, but I say a lot that I didn't really enjoy her until 9 months. Some of that has to do with some baby blues I experienced with her. Some of it has to do with the fact I was so afraid I would break her! And around nine months she was able to crawl and engage with me. Unbelievably she and I both made it!
She is a sweet heart and excellent helper. She can be very responsible and excellent cleaner. She enjoys being the oldest and has a tendency to boss her little sister around. She likes to be right and know it all.
Maggie can also be an incredible big sister, so loving and encouraging and she does a great job (for the most part) of including Ellie in her day to day. I will randomly find them cuddled together or walking together holding hands. I'm not sure how that happened, and I pray with all my heart that their relationship will continue to grow stronger as they get older. And now I include in that prayer that Josie will be another piece to that sister puzzle.

Maggie attended preschool this year at our church, and she absolutely loved it. Every snow day was a huge let down for her. She was the only girl for the majority of the year, so "boyfriends" were a topic of conversation more than Mommy or Daddy would have liked. She fit in well with them, but more than that did a great job in school. Her teacher said she was the "prayer warrior" in their class (what could make a Mom prouder?) and was excellent at recalling the details of the bible story each time. With the exception of a couple of days she was usually the first to be recognized for good listening or behavior at school. This may have had to do with the prizes she won with that good behavior. We Lusk women are competitive!
She knows all her letters, numbers, colors, and shapes. She knows about 75% of the letter sounds and recognizes about 10 sight words. She is ready for Kindergarten in only a few short weeks, whether mommy is or not. She has mentioned concern over not napping in Kindergarten, saying "I may just be too tired for school." I doubt that is an issue. She is most looking forward to art and new friends at her new school.
Maggie loves dancing, singing, playing outside, playing with Barbies, and reading books. She is a great helper around the house and is responsible for cleaning her room, making her bed, helping with the playroom, helping with laundry and dishes. We will be starting a chore chart and allowance this summer to work on more responsibilities and the concept of money.
We have been celebrating her birthday all week, with a birthday party, a park date, a pool day, a lunch date and will finish up this evening with dinner out and gifts. Though she was excited to turn five, this morning she said she missed being four. Oh yes, I forgot to mention, she can be a bit dramatic as well :) It's a big year for this five year old, and I couldn't be prouder of her.
I'm so incredibly thankful that she made me a mom five years ago today. Happy Birthday Magpie Claire!
Here are this years questions!
- What is your favorite color?
- Yellow, Pink, Blue and Um...Grey, purple, pink, yellow and I think that's all
- .What is your favorite food?
- Macaroni and cheese and some pancakes, cereral, and marshmallows
- Who is your best friend?
- Sydney, Bree, Emma, and Bella
- What do you like to do with your family?
- Go to the park, eat dinner,go on dates with Daddy
- What is your favorite toy?
- Big Baby, Anna, Elsa doll, and my new birthday Periwinkle doll
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- What makes you happy?
- What makes you sad?
- when people don't really play with me and when people don't really want to be nice to my friends. That makes me really, really, really sad.
- What is your favorite show?
- The Little Mermaid, Strawberry Shortcake
- Where do you like to go?
- to the pool, to the park, and to Disney World
- What is your favorite animal?
- giraffes, dogs, but wait not big dogs, not big dogs...never mind i just don't like dogs. Elephants
- What do you do best?
- Trying not to be bad, I just hope I don't.
- Who is the coolest person on earth?
- What did you do when you were little?
- I like to paly with toys and swing and walk and cry
- What is your favorite season?
- That's really hard. I think winter.
- What is a food you don't like?
- pickles, cucumbers, tomatoes and the purple things, and mushrooms, tomatoes, avocados, big carrots, um...i really don't like to juice.
- What is your favorite song?
- Oh what a special night. (We then sang along together.)
- What is your favorite game?
- Sophia card game, mickey mouse card game,
- What do you want on your birthday cake?
- What is your favorite candy?
- chocolates and lemon, wait not lemons...I really like chocolate oreos.