The Lusk Clan

The Lusk Clan

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Day at the Zoo

After our stay in the hospital the girls and I travelled to my parents house in Kentucky. We had planned the visit months in advance for the following week, but decided getting away from home for an extra week of resting would be good. While we were there we were able to spend time with the whole family save my brother. He's busy serving his country in the corn state of Nebraska. We also got to celebrate the upcoming birthday of my sweet little niece, Charlotte. The day found us headed to the zoo.

Mommy and her girls...with LOTS of pumpkins

We woke with a 60% chance of rain and the debate of cancelling or following through. We decided to forge ahead and made the drive. We got there with cloudy skies, but thankfully no rain fall.

We could tell when Magpie saw the giraffes for the first time when we heard the elated squeal. We were given the chance to feed the giraffe by paying a dollar. We were given a little cup and the giraffe eats it. My terrified of all things with fur little girl actually held the cup longer than I thought. Regardless of how long it lasted and how much of the poor giraffes food landed on the floor, it can be said that she has fed a giraffe.
Mag Pie feeding her Giraffe   

We saw wart hogs rooting, rhinos cuddling, elephants eating, lions mating (and boy did she pass out when it was finished) hippos swimming, bears pacing, and tiger sitting. As we left the African Safari section the bottom fell out and the rains began.
 Watching the Baby Hippo swim
The girls were not to keen on the goats

Sweet Sissies riding an elephant statue

El Bell loved picking up leaves, and sharing them with birds.

Checking out the giraffes.

 Looking at the cuddling Rhino.

Safari Cousins 

Poppy & GirlsCharlotte Poo and mommy

                               Maggie Riding the Rhino

We rushed to our car, but not without a quick stop at the gift shop, and a photo op with Poppy and the grand kids. It was a fun day, though quicker and wetter than we would have liked.

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