My girls have been too little to do the trick or treating thing, but we did participate in our churches Trunk or Treat last year. I even won 2nd place for the most Creative Trunk, thanks to my duck pond. As well as having two adorable lady bugs!
This year I found myself very unable and uninterested with participating in the festivities. We couldn't do a trunk because our Daddy wasn't here to help with the girls, and they are too young to be able to wander on their own.
So we found some dress up clothes In our toy buckets and created an adorable princess and sweet ballerina. I felt kinda lame dressing them in things they wear on any other random Tuesday, so I added some makeup. Now I'm the funnest mom ever. Ask Magpie, she said so.
We went to the local library that offered indoor trick or treating in the early afternoon. Forecast called for storms, so finishing early was the goal.
The library is three stories tall, and had two candy stops per floor. We spent most of the time on the stair case, traveling terribly slow much to the frustration of families behind us, thanks to the "glass slippers" Magpie insisted on wearing.
There was a not so scary puppet show too. Magpie was a little apprehensive at talking weenie dogs at first, while El Bell was more concerned with the loot.
After that we headed to the local Publix store that had little games set up around the perimeter of the store. They were giving out the good candy to! I was also able to get the cheese and milk I needed for home. Score one for multitasking!
We drove away with Magpie telling me it was the funnest day!
I'd call it a success. Will be glad when our Daddy can participate in the fun next year.
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