The Lusk Clan

The Lusk Clan

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Accidental Potty Training

Ellie is 2 years and almost 4 months.

We have attempted potty training off and on for about four months now.

I ask her to sit on the potty, she screams no and poops under the dining room table.

We've had a success here or there.

Especially after she sees either her sister, cousin or a friend use the potty.

Other than that, she has not cared at all.

Until Friday.

While getting dressed for the day, at around 10 (don't judge, that was earlier than some days!) I noticed her diaper from her early morning change was still dry.

So, I asked...and she said, "Yes!"

So she went to the kitchen to sit down.

Sidenote: I have a couple friends who have a potty chair in their living room because it is easily accessible and I thought that was a great idea. Our open floorplan lands it in the kitchen. I'm sure its sanitary (remember its never really successfully been used!)

She sat, and sat, and sat...(sound like Prudence to anyone? :) and then she stood up and proclaimed, "I did it!"

Yes. She. Did.

Maggie and I then proceeded to do the potty dance. You know, the wiggle your hips and arms at the same time while chanting, "Pee pee in the potty! Pee pee in the potty!"

Ellie beamed. Especially after she was given not one, but two starburst jelly beans! (Fellow mommy's do you give your older kids a little treat when the younger one is learning? We have, and its been helpful because Maggie encourages Ellie to go try so she can get her own treat too. I'm just not sure if its appropriate or not.)

We set our timer and every hour prompted her to sit on the potty to try. No harm no foul, and she did so well!

All in all Friday she had six pees and one poo, and 2 wet diapers.

Today, we are on a roll again with 7 pees (2 of which she told us on her own it was potty time), 1 poo and 3 wet diapers. We are also rewarding with jelly beans for pee and chocolate for poos.

She is doing so well that we tried on some panties, and then celebrated the recent success with a swinging session.

I didn't mean to go into potty training mode this weekend, and I know accidents will happen, but I guess like they say, when they are ready they are ready! I'm so proud of her!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Remember that one time when I last posted a blog post?

Yeah, me neither.

It's been a busy month, but I will try to make up for it in the next couple of days.

Starting first with our newest addition.

Introducing, Morty Lusk, our 8 week miniature schnauzer puppy.

A few months before the big move we realized that our girls had an unhealthy fear of dogs.

As in, they refused to even walk on the ground if there was a dog in the same room. Screams, terror, fits etc. Not pretty. I understand not being a dog person, but their fear just didn't seem right.

So we began talking about getting a puppy of our own.

We believed that if the girls had a dog of their own, who they were around all the time and was very small that they would learn to like them and wouldn't be so afraid.

Scott and Maggie took a weekend and headed down to Boaz, AL to pick up our newest member. Maggie held it together very well while meeting our newest pup.

Until, he licked her finger. This is the face she made when he had the audacity to lick her.

Obviously we had some work to do.

For about two days she refused to walk on the ground. Running from table, to couch, to bed and back. We encouraged and challenged, sweet talked and tried to bribe and she slowly started coming around.

Then there was Ellie. She's such a tough no-fear kind of girl. 

She was a little nervous for a few hours, probably feeding off of her big sister's actions and then she was in love. Much to Morty's chagrin.

We have to remind her at least twice a day to quit picking him up...especially by his head. 

He has been a nice addition to our home. He is doing well with house breaking and can sit upon command. We are working on the stay command and are working on walking on the leash. 

I have the greatest helper too. 

While she won't hold him still, Maggie plays with him, runs with him, takes him outside. She even feeds him and keeps him from chewing on anything left in the floor.

Overall, it was a good idea. They are even warming up some to our new neighbor dog too. I'm proud of them and the growing they are doing.