The Lusk Clan

The Lusk Clan

Friday, September 20, 2013

Life Goes On

I've lived a pretty happy life. The hard times I've faced are the typical ones any young woman faces. I've had mean friends and no friends. I've felt rejected and insufficient. I've been poor and left wanting. But nothing has ever truly impacted my world. Not in a "Your life is now different" kind of way. Until September 5, 2013. My world changed that day. Sometime soon I will share the loss I experienced following that fateful day. In the fifteen days following though I've learned that life goes on.

Whether you want it to or not, life goes on. In rain or sunshine, life goes on. In hurt and pain, life goes on. In good times and bad, life goes on. And its going on for the Lusk Clan.

We've been in a period of transition for a few months. Wondering and planning all that we thought God had in store for us. Two days ago, He revealed what the next step is going to be. There are still unknowns, but my Software Developing Husband has been offered and accepted a new job in Lexington, KY. The military brat in me is elated for a change of sceneary. While Huntsville, AL hasn't been a bad place, I feel the doors closing on that chapter of our life. The Alabama native who is my husband will have a harder time finding all of the excitement in this change. We know however that God has guided our steps. He has been faithful through our search for a new position. He has been faithful in working out the numbers, and I have no doubt that He will be faithful still as we continue to try and sell our home.

Its been on line for 35 days, and we've had 5 showings and one almost offer, but now we have a destination anda  very real time line. My love will begin his new job on October 14, and we don't want to be apart for long. So, I continue to work on that dreadful fruit of the spirit, patience. The one I've never conquered and strive to best daily. I rest in the fact that God has shown me in my own life, time and again His timing is perfect.

Trust me I should know, the story of how this happened is a HUGE testament to His perfect timing...Another story, for another day.

So, for now the Lusk clan will work on the transition to moving our life to Kentucky, remembering the things we have been taught, the people we have loved, and the little ones we have lost. Until next time, I'm thankful that indeed my life is still going on.

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